Nutrition: Pomelo contains rich nutritions such as sugar, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Vitamin P, carotene, kaliumm, phosphorus, citric acid etc. The main components of pomelo skin are Nvaringin and Neohesperidin etc. Pomelo seeds contains fat, obakunone and Obaeulactone etc.
Nutrition Facts:
Every 100g edible part of pomelo contains the following:
Water 84.8g 
Protein 0.7g
Fat 0.6g
Carbohydrate 12.2g
Heat 57 major calorie
Crude fiber 0.8g
Calcium 41 mg.
Phosphorus 43mg.
Fe 0.9mg.
Carotene 0.12mg.
Thiamine Hydrochloride 0.07mg.
Riboflavin 0.02mg.
Nicotinic acid 0.5mg.
Ascorbic acid 41mg.
Function: Chinese herbalist doctor thinks pomelo tastes sweet and sour and with cool property. It is good for digestion, clearing heat and transforming phlegm etc. According the the research by modern medicine and pharmacology, pomelo contains rich vitamin C and homothetic insulin factors, thus it has the efficacy to decrease blood sugar & blood fat, to loose weight and to serve as a natural beauty product. Frequent eating of pomelo will assist to treat hypertension, diabetes and angiosclerosis. It is also good for promoting digestion, moistening the lungs, enriching the blood, moisturizing dry-heat by clearing the bowels, accelerating wound healing and assist to treat septicemia.